Want to create multi-step forms in WordPress that look stunning and convert well on your website?
WordPress multi-page forms are great and may serve your purpose more efficiently. They are credited with yielding better engagement and enhancing the user experience.
Not sure how to make a multi-step form in WordPress? Keep reading until the end to learn it in a systematic way. Let’s start!
What Is a Multi-step Form?
Multi-step forms are forms broken into multiple steps to make them easy to attempt and less tedious for the users. Different steps open one after the other on the user’s screen once the previous page is filled in so that users don’t lose interest.
In the first step, it asks users to fill in their basic information, which may include name, DOB, city, and country. The next step may ask for more specific questions relating to your interaction with the business.
In the end, you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of services. The step-by-step progression can comfort visitors in a psychological manner.
Why Add a Multi-step Form in WordPress?
There are not one but many reasons to add a form with multiple steps to WordPress. Navigating through the below-given list can help you know its benefits:
- Multiple steps forms are like a heavy task decomposed into a few easy ones. It eases the mind and evokes the desired action. See Bluehost multi-step signup form in action.
- These forms enable you to gather more information about the prospective customers without causing them stress.
- Multi-step forms can help you filter sales-qualified leads, provided customers are willingly jumping to the next steps to complete the whole form.
- As the users proceed further with the form filling, their will to convert becomes stronger. Single forms in WordPress perhaps lack this effect.
- They are great for the user’s engagement and increased conversion rates due to their obvious ease.
- You can gather systematic manner to gain insights and make well-informed decisions for the betterment of your business.
How to Create a Multi-step Form (with Progress Bar) in WordPress Using Formidable Forms?
Hope you have gained sufficient knowledge on multi-step forms and their benefits. Let’s now discuss the steps on how to create multi-step forms in WordPress using Formidable Forms.
Note: Formidable Form is a simplified WordPress Form builder that enables users to create WordPress forms with easy drag & drop options. Besides, its captivating themes can make your form look pleasing to the eyes.
Step 1: Create a Form in WordPress
- In the first place, you need to build a form in your WordPress dashboard. To do so, you need to work your way with the Formidable Form plugin. It includes the installation and activation of the plugin to access its multiple form feature.

- Once you are done, goto Formidable >> + Add New. You may now create a form of your own choice. A multi-step form example can be helpful for you in form designing.

Step 2: Apply Page Break to Split the Form
- Once your form is ready, add Page Breaks to create your multi-step form. This advanced multi-step form WordPress plugin can help you in adding page breaks.
- From under the Advanced Fields, locate and drag the Page Break field to your form. As you remove your hands from the cursor, the plugin will automatically provide a break to the page.

- You may choose what to include in different steps of your form. Additionally, you need to provide each section with a suitable name. To do so, you need to go to the Form Settings >> Pagination Settings >> Show Progress Bar.

- It may help users know what stage they have reached when filling in the form. You can make further adjustments such as page titles, numbers, pagination lines, and more.
Step 3: Ensure That Your Progress Bar Is Thematic to the Site
The progress bar is the line that shows the different steps of your form. For instance, if you are on the second page of the form, the progress bar will reflect it with different graphic depictions.
After learning how to create multi-step forms in WordPress, you need to check if the progress bar is uniform to the website or not. If not, you will need to tweak the design of the progress bar.
- First of all, you need to choose one of the following styles of Pagination from the From Settings tab, which are:
1. Progress Bar

2. Rootline

- After choosing any of the two, you can now play with the design. The following series of actions can help you: Formidable >> Styles >> Progress Bars.

- You may now make the required changes and preview them in no time.
Step 4: Move the Multi-step Form to the Website
Now that you have a multi-step form with a progress bar ready, add it to its pre-specified page. To post the form, you may choose any of the following handy ways:
- Utilizing a shortcut builder.
- Manually inserting the form shortcode.
- Using the Formidable Form widget.
- Choosing a form block for your purpose.
Step 5: Customize Form Settings
Before concluding your multi-step form in WordPress, you may want to configure the form settings and notifications. The plugin offers advanced features you may explore. For instance, drop-down menus in the form, so that users have options to choose from. They can make the long-form less tiresome.

Formidable Forms Alternatives
Following the procedure stated in the above section, you can learn how to create multi-step forms in WordPress. However, there are a few more WordPress form builder plugins you may use in making multi-step forms. Check below:
1. Everest Forms

Everest Forms is a popular plugin that offers simple drag & drop options to create contact forms. Making forms with this plugin is a cakewalk. Even beginners can create forms without needing coding skills.
Everest Forms helps users to choose from a wide range of color schemes and style options to create forms with captivating aesthetic appeal. It is simple, fast & effective. Furthermore, it is 100% responsive.
2. WPForms

WPForms is an easy yet powerful WordPress contact form plugin that enables users to design contact forms with the utmost ease. It works on a simple drag and drops mechanism, devoid of the need for coding skills.
WPForms offers pre-built form templates to reduce your time and effort in making contact forms. The high-performance forms made on this tool are fully responsive. Furthermore, they can be easily embedded in web pages, blog pages, or other pre-intended locations.
3. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is the next WordPress form builder plugin that offers simple yet meaningful form-building solutions to users. It’s a simple drag and drop form that holds the visual appeal of professional contact forms.
Any beginner can start making forms using this WordPress multi-step form wizard without breaking a sweat. Moreover, you don’t need to be a designer to design hypnotic forms using this powerful and beginner-friendly plugin.
Over to You! Get Started Implementing Multi-step Form in WordPress
You are here, and it means your curiosity to learn how to create multi-step forms in WordPress using Formidable Form is well-satisfied. It also elaborates on the alternatives of Formidable Form you may use for creating multi-step forms. If you liked this post, keep visiting us for more awe-inspiring ones.
Image source: https://formidableforms.com/multi-step-form-with-progress-bar/
Hey Vineet Gupta,
Aadarsh this side. It is my first time commenting on your blog post and am glad to say that you have provided such a helpful guide along with easy steps for creating multi-step form in WordPress. I really like and appreciate the way you have presented things in such a step-by-step process making a concept very clear and easy to understand. Your each listed steps ( including images ) to create a multi-step form are so clear, well-elaborated and easy to follow. Considering your steps will be a great helping hand.
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